Saturday, January 21, 2012

Enjoying The Beauty of Karo

Being situated about 600-1400 m above the sea level, made the temperature of Karo Regency of North Sumatra is quid cool, it is around 16-17 C with the humidity around 28%. Entering Sibolangit District, Deli Serdang regency, the cold air began to ambush the skin. Sibolangit subdistrict is a border region of Deli Serdang and Karo Regency.

Karo regency is located about 77 Km from Medan city, the capital of North Sumatera. This Karo area has two active volcanoes, Mount Sinabung and Sibayaak. There was also the Bukit Barisan which adds more the charm of natural scenery of Karo Regency. Bukit Barisan mountains stretching across the island of Sumatra.

Karo district has many interesting place such as hot water bathing in Debuk-Debuk, Lau Kawar Lake in Lau Kawar village (Simpang Empat subdistrict), the famous cities are Berastagi and Kabanjahe. Berastagi is one of tourist town in North Sumatera that very famous for their agricultural products, such as fruits, vegetables, and beverage products that is Marquisa Juice which known until the entire archipelago.

Karo also has two waterfalls. Sipiso-piso and Sikulikap, Gundaling Hill, in District Berastagi, already famous as the peak area that is often crowded by tourists. From the plains Gundaling, natural scenery that is so cool to be seen are the backdrop of Mount Sinabung and Sibayak. Here the horses or carts is a typical transportation.

Karo also exploit the panorama of Lake Toba from Tongging region, and of course Lake Toba, covering several districts in North Sumatra.

There is also Lake Lau Kawar, the lake at the foot of Mount Sinabung. This area became a favorite area for students and families to enjoy the evening with a campfire burning and sleep in tents. Nature lovers who want to climb Mount Sinabung often, through Lau Kawar.

Entering the Karo Regency, you'll be greeted by a roasted corn stalls. This location is popularly called Panatapan. Shop built on the edge of the steep winding path. This area is an option for visitors to unwind or simply freshen up from the seat of the vehicle.

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