Thursday, January 19, 2012

The Clock Tower in Bukittinggi

Clock Tower is the mascot of Bukittinggi. Enjoying Bukittinggi, would be more impressive while relaxing near the Clock Tower. Especially the area around the Clock Tower features a comfortable and pretty garden area with some trees that shade the seat is equipped to relax and enjoy the city.

In the morning, from the Clock Tower area, Singgalang Mountain, and Mount Marapi clearly seen. At night, the Clock Tower area also never quiet. Park Clock Tower is equipped with lights that dim garden, adding to the beauty of the Clock Tower.

Visitors can enjoy the cool air while eating corn on the cob and grilled bananas. However, beneath it, probably not much to know, since founded in colonial times, the Clock Tower was never out of the hands of rulers.

Clock Tower was built in 1926 by city architect named Yazid with Sutan Dental Ameh. At that time, or the Secretary of Bukittinggi controleur held by Rook Maker receives the prize four large clocks with respective diameters of 80 centimeters from the Dutch queen. The four clocks were was imported from Rotterdam, the Netherlands, through the Bayur Gulf ports.

Rook Maker asking architects to make city buildings to put the Clock Tower. Clock Tower was built at a cost of 3000 guilders. Clock Tower was built as high as 26 meters. Extensive ground-plan of the Clock Tower is a 13 x 4 meters. Clock Tower was built without using a framework of iron and mortar. Only mixtures of lime, egg white, and white sand.

The uniqueness of the Clock Tower was misspelled four Roman numerals ("IV") on each clocks is written "IIII" instead of the traditional Roman number "IV". Machine Clock Tower is moving mechanically.

Because of the famous of Clock Tower, made any ruling regime also has the power to the Clock Tower. This is seen on the roof of the Clock Tower which has experienced three times the corresponding change of the regime.

In the Dutch colonial era, at the top of the Clock Tower has put the chicken statue facing east. This is said to describe the village children who do not understand look at the clock and just rely on time with a rooster crowing in the morning.

In the Japanese occupation, the top of the Clock Tower was replaced with a pagoda. Meanwhile, after the independence of Indonesia, the peak shape is the Minangkabau bagonjong roof.

Does not end there. In the regional autonomy as now, the Clock Tower is also trying to keep control by local authorities.

Clock Tower area's most crowded and congested on the eve of new year for city residents and tourists waiting for the moment it's the turn of the year to hear the beat of the Clock Tower and see the seconds on the clock past the Clock Tower 00:00 AM. No less than 20 thousand visitors came to the Bukittinggi, and they crowded the Clock Tower area to wait for the seconds turn of the year in front of the Clock Tower and celebrate with great fanfare.

In Bukittinggi, you not only see the Clock Tower. There are many tourist areas in the city near the Clock Tower, even can be visited on foot. As canyon Sianok, Tunnel Holes Japan, and enjoy the panoramic Bukittinggi in Fort de Kock.

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